Designing With Web - Part 3: week 1

Rethink running experience for beer lovers with gaming.

Group 26

Mindmeister conjoint exploration:

Project 1: Catch a pint Challenge


when? where? who? why?

The Catch a pint Challenge will take place on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of June in the famous city of Lille, well-known for its beer culture.
It’s a funny event imagined by beer lovers for up to 500 sporty beer enthusiasts that want to enjoy a fun running and drinking experience. The event will allow beer lovers from Lille and far away to get to know each other while learning about their favourite drink.
The winners will also have the chance to win a number of prices ranging from a beer tasting weekend in the Belgian beer brewing regions, to a home brewing kit.


For whom ?

The event targets beer enthusiasts who wish to test their knowledge about their favourite drink while getting some healthy exercise. The event gives beer lovers the opportunity to get to know others sharing their passion in a fun and unformal context.
The setting of the city of Lille brings its historic environment and beer culture. This creates the perfect context for the dynamic beer lover to get a fun week end centred around his favourite drink.
Participating beer enthusiasts must be at least of drinking age, knowledgeable or eager to learn about beer, the culture surrounding the drink and the city Lille. An interest for sports and an understanding of apps and smartphone technology is also necessary.

Service offered

what? how?

The Catch a pint Challenge is a race in groups of 6. Each team will have several missions to accomplish in order to gain points and finally win the race. The concept is easy to understand: teams will be guided by a digital-roadbook and an interactive map showing the different places and missions giving them directions and instructions to follow. The aim is to earn as many points as possible in order to win the grand prize.
Among the challenges during the game: an obstacle course, a pint drinking contest, a beer tasting blind test, a quiz testing beer knowledge and an escape game in VR. Participants will attend in beer related costumes: wings, suits, accessories… be as fun as possible! There are winning lots and winning prizes for the best teams.


describe the universe around your service by creating a mood board and name your service accordingly

Web interface

Get your ticket now!

The event will be posted as a facebook event to be shared by users. If sponsoring by beer brands can be secured, these can also share and promote the event on their web sites and social media accounts.
Given the fact that the event will greatly promote and take place in the city of Lille, a post on the citys webpage and on the social media accounts related to the city could also be an option.
A campaign talking about the risks of alcohol consumption, telling people to drink responsibly and promoting exercising would also allow for the event to gain traction.
On all these websites there needs to be a link to allow interested people to get their tickets. Since there is a limited amount of tickets, a countdown indicating how many tickets are left can be placed next to the "buy now" button. Each ticket would be about 25€.


List concurrents / relative projects and describe how they relate/differentiate to your project



Project 2: Beer GO


when? where? who? why?

This is an application available on smartphone with an intuitive and interactive map in France. First it will take place in Lyon, then it will be expanded to other cities such as Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Nantes… In a similar fashion to the application Pokemon go, gamers will have to travel throughout neighborhoods to catch « the offer ».
It can be a new way to travel by running and to keep runners motivated by avoiding routine.
We are all emlyon business school students, programmers and web designer.


for whom?

The target is runners who always go to the same places to jog, and want to discover new places in the city. These runners may be people who like to hang out and to gather with friends to drink a couple of beers. It gives the opportunity to have a liquid reward for daily running besides health and self consciousness. The bars are also are pleased by this initiative because they can attract new clients for the off-peak days.

Service offered

what? how?

Beer GO is a game available on Play Store and AppStore for beer lovers runners. Bars in each city, partner with the app, propose special offers that appear for a limited amount of time on an interactive map.
Offers may be : Give away 50 blond beers until 7:00 p.m. or 50% discount on all draft beers…
The only way to get the offer is to unlock the bar by running near. Indeed, jogging permits to unlock a perimeter with partner bars on the interactive map available on the app.
Each month the perimeter discovered is reset to encourage runners to keep running to get the free beers


describe the universe around your service by creating a mood board and name your service accordingly

Web interface

How does your project relates to Web? Describe use cases

The application needs to be downloaded from the web and then to be used while being online. The entire app will update and allow runners to catch their beers using localisation services running over the internet. Different bars would have to update their offers and post the pints they are making available to users of the app by using an internet access. Even the first process used in the app, which would allow people to "unlock" parts of a city based on the running tracks they have followed, would need an internet access.
Communication and the ad campaign allowing the app to gain traction would also need to be done via facebook or social media.


List concurrents / relative projects and describe how they relate/differentiate to your project

